I am 23.8 years old now…otherwise in words of Abdul Kalam I have completed 23.8 revolutions around the earth…Apart from thanking my parents, teachers, friends, relatives, Larry PAGE, Mark Zuckerberg who played a impeccable role in molding through me throughout these years I should also extend my thanks to ozone layers, tectonic plates, Photosynthesis, and Mother earth (which has no other option but to travel only in one single path right from its creation and inherently creating two woods for Robert Frost letting him stand amused which road to chose not only confusing himself but also pressuring students the day before exams which stanza to memorize and transforming students into short lived Poets during exams creating their own stanzas leaving their English teachers perplexed in a pool of Questions how English as Language affected Globalization instilling creativity into the Minds of students) albeit thanks could not parallel for these inorganic/organic- complex mix of Mother earth.
Humans now are finding ways to flavor Robots with romanto-Philic devices so that they can also involve in copulation like other biotic organisms. I always wondered what triggered their neurons to branch towards in developing such extreme Engineering. When I add the term “extreme” is it the innate quality vested with some Humans to think extremely?? or it is only a relative perception when perceived by a Human who has never screened his cornea in focusing such odd things.
At this Juncture my grey matter is forcing me to utter a fact stated by Edward De Bono (I am restating his fact in my own words)…The level / quantum of thinking involved by scientists in accurately positioning the orbit is same as that of level of Thinking involved by your mother in making perfect sambar/dal in her kitchen. Scientists or our mothers they both act according to the extreme perfection with their quantum of Learning’s throughout their revolutions around the earth.
People always tried to simplify things with their thinking but there is also another fact that simplifying things will tend your brain to seek the path of least resistance and your brain will become as soft as cheese diluting its core values. This happens when you get graduated with a Engineering with 70% marks.
At any point we will sense the above mentioned truths ….. and if anytime if you come across such truths in your work life either use your Muscley brain to resolve the issue or use your cheesy brain to write a poem and search for another Job.
Random thoughts will continue………….
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