Thursday, February 11, 2010

Fake your worries..

When Rachoredas (Aamir khan in the movie 3 idiots) was questioned by his friend whether by uttering “All izz well” would provide solution for all our problems. Rachoredas deliberately replied “nope…but it would give the necessary courage to face the reality”. The context of this scene explains us the thumb rule to control or govern our stimuli to the challenges posed in our life with ease. At times too much realistic approach to the circumstances will demand extraordinary pressure from our side to resolve the challenge which is unwarranted for a long term inclusive growth personally.
That’s why our ancestors faked (idealized) the real time observation and put it in a form accessible at all time and for generations to come without any undulations in our notion to substantiate the real time observations.
In The subject engineering mechanics-Statics bodies subjected to forces under rest are idealized as rigid bodies (zero stress-No pain; but gain) so that statement of Newton’s 3rd law would be enlightened. So this kind of approach where faking the realism and the resolving the problem of realistic events through what we call as Idealization is what our society practiced and the humans are still on this earth as humans by means of idealization of naturally occurring events.

Carnot cycle, idealization of the process of four stroke petrol engine. The isothermal compressions and adiabatic expansions in this idealization were the assumptions (needless to say they were excuses) to optimize and simplify the construction of internal combustion engine to attain the maximum efficiency.
It is evident that our human spirit always tends to occupy the zone of least resistance where everything is simplified and where everything is in tune with our intentions. But when faced with the reality of hardships in our life a few attain what they want or what is expected from them just by applying the very myth of idealization or faking the realism.
But we should also remember that simplification also has its roots vested with hardships to break the complex unreal into a known real equation which would yield a solution for any known quantity of variables when substituted.
We all act throughout our life with all our premonitions and preconceived notions embedded within our roots of intuition gained from the experiences of the past since we are very much afraid by the confrontations in times of adversity as well as very much elated by the strokes of wining moments. Since our human body is nothing but an intellectual flesh which acts according to the demands of the universe and we use this very intellect in the pursuit of life to persist without getting petrified by the restraint posed by the unbroken oddities of life with perseverance.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Being jobless…Theories of a fledgling philospher

Three months passed just like a flash of thunder and here I am prepared for the next lucky offer that many consider as a blessed one. In these span of three months I never went for any other offer persisting emotionally to conquer all the odds arising out of being jobless facing parents, neighbors, dobhiwala, dabbawala, thatwala, thiswala, and all that unexpected walas whom you need to encounter in all walks of your life even thou your intentions don’t demand them.

If we think we are alone and if we suspect do really people notice us ?…. Weed out that question once for all. Coz there are always as many more people than you think would be anticipating and would be making all guess works and speculating about us and what we are heading onto. Some speculate positively and some in their most contemplated negative way. The later includes all the ones whom you had not spent most part of your life.

They do have meager idea about us…They really know what we exactly amount to and speculate in a quantity with what they really know about us.

So how to sort out that the ones who really care and one who seem to care about us and who never care about us.

Whenever we contemplate or thinking about something or someone, our intensity of contemplations depends on the depth or quantum of understanding we have about something or someone.

So to win someone or something we need to persist. Patience and time will answer who we really are. Even if we are thrown out by the society and whole world is against us our emotional persistence and the necessary endurance to encounter all those awkward moments then you are there where you want to go. We slowly gain momentum in understanding of the real world and who the people really are.

So to conquer world and understand people scroll down..

Saturday, February 6, 2010

abhinaya 8th wonder........

Abhinaya made her debut in the movie NADODIGAL .Her role as a sister to sasikumar and opposite to chennai28 vijay(son of vasanth&co vasantha kumar) was splendid.wonder y am giving this much hype to this girl for doing an evergreen role in the tamil movie history. In her case there is something special.

abihnaya being challenged with her sense of hearing and speech samuthirakani brought the essence of her talent evaporating all the challenges bringing out the best of her on the screens.

her father expressed the entire credit to the team NADODIGAL for her adorable performance in the movie.

the charm she broughtout in the movie when her lochinvar expressed his love and her consoling mood when her beloved lost his leg are the best one could rate for her acting adeptness forgoing all the odds with her.

Abhinaya's Father Speaks About Nadodigal
Uploaded by cinefundas. - Full seasons and entire episodes online.

Adorable Aryana Engineer......a tribute to the Baby Princess

Friday, February 5, 2010

Cast Away :Why Wilson left Chuck Noland at the midst of sea ??

After witnessing CAST AWAY many people might have contemplated why Wilson left noland while noland was at the verge of succeeding in his years of trials and tribulations to leave the island…
Before carrying out the discussion let’s take a look at the birth of Wilson and his journey with Noland and the adventurous odds he faced during his stay with Noland..
Unlike any other Human whose birth was seeded from deep love, Wilson was born out of Noland’s frustration. Wilson came into existence on  this earth after Noland was doomed in his bitter struggle to produce a fire out of static charges by rubbing the dry woods..
Fortunately this so called Wilson who made his existence on the earth arising out of Noland’s exasperation later mentored Noland in all his endeavors and endurance to remain alive in that God forbidden Island… 
After Wilson's birth  Noland was successful in setting the fire….("Pretty well made Fire..huh wilson!! " ..Noland exclaimed)
Wilson assisted in relieving Noland's tooth ache and they both succeeded in that too..

Wilson mentored Noland in fishing....

Wilson also taught Noland the idea of spinning a raft for sailing in order to escape from the island...

Noland climbed  even the tallest rocks to find a rope since wilson insisted him to do so...
Noland and Wilson decided to use the plastic sheet brought onto the shores by sea waves and use it as a sail in building of their raft....

Now this time Noland sets off with Wilson in the forefront leading the raft onto the sea.....
  So Dauntless in faithful in perseverance....

 And Finally two brave men proved their mettle....
And there comes our bitter end..The spirit which was guiding Noland throughout in his struggle for existence and conquer to the worst of all nightmares had finally bade good bye to Noland...

Wilson  has proved enough to Noland that no man in the world is living alone..Every has Human has a firm and established determination to conquer and endure all the odds of life...It s the circumstances and opportunities that lights the unfired match stick earthed within ourself...

So it's time for us to unearth our own Wilson's to face batlle of life with persistence, determination and endurance...!!