Monday, May 19, 2008

The role of media in our society.......


Man is always interested in communicating his own ideas, findings, facts and discoveries whatever occurring in his day to day life with his fellowmen near or far away. Before the invention of languages he communicated through his non verbal technique of communication. He took advantage of expressing ideas, emotions through his face which is a unique sense of human beings and exchange of information took place through this method. When he invented verbal communication (languages) he was more comfortable in sharing ideas due to the clarity and speed which he found has an effective advantage in languages. His urge to share the information was very high to such an extent that he used his intelligence to even train the pigeons and succeeded in exchanging the news gathered by him with people in distant locations in ancient days. He didn’t stop his experimental research until he finds a tool that would provide him, the fast and accurate means to communicate with people all over the world and what has been developed at last is the invention of media which comprises of radio, television, newspapers, now the latest technologies like internet etc.

Invention of mass media has helped humans to solve problems that they faced while communicating with people around different parts of the world. Now we will discuss about how far these inventions has done its job effectively in satisfying the human needs.

Role of media:

Mass medias played an important role in the world to such an extent they even changed the political boundaries of the world. The importance of mass media was understood during crisis situations like war between two countries. Destruction was initiated because of furious communication between countries and peace was propagated through peaceful communication at the end of war between countries. Spread of religion can attributed to mass media. Religious men used mass media communication as an effective tool to propagate and promote good deeds of their religion to other people. Governance was made easier through Medias which helped the government to let their people know about plans and proposals initiated by the government for the welfare of its people. People could visualize their own civilization and cultures of what their ancestors had practiced in their past through medias. Weather reports able to forecast the climate change which helped the people to make cope up with the nature accordingly in advance with ease. Medias helped in changing the life of people of the world throughout irrespective of their caste, creed, color, sex, religion.

The powerful face of the media:

The power of medias doesn’t have any units to measure in influencing the life of people. It’s infinite. Let us take a small example. A person who had only a mild preference to vote for a particular party during elections develop a tendency to support that party whole heartedly due to the last minute campaign carried out by these medias work out on those voters and change their mind who hereditarily support for one political party. Medias play the role of watch dog for the system of governance whether the elected representatives are upto the expectations of people or not. . Media plays a crucial role in forming the government as well in dissolving the government Today’s media had does the role of not only being a mere information provider to the people but gives the in depth analysis of the news gathered so as to make the people effectively understand what is behind the news an what is making the news. Although politicians may use the favorable media for making their own news the contrary unfavorable media will act in such a way to bring out the negative aspects of those politicians. The service offered by the Medias may be contrasting and contradicting, but this makes the people to realize what’s behind the news and what’s making the news. Reasoning by differentiating.

Although in some of the countries where medias have been suppressed/ under the control of government a word of mouth does the function of medias in making the news. Word of mouth is also a form of media which shares the information to some wider extent in a locality without any cost.

Role of internet as a mass media in our society:

Internet helps in sharing the latest technologies and does more than the function of universities. Students could able to access the lectures offered by the foreign faculties with ease. Internet imparts effective learning to the student community. They bind the students of different parts of the world as one single global student community. Much of the universities in India are forming collaboration with foreign universities for combined active exchange of ideas in the field of science and research. Online degrees offer distance education programs with help of which one could able to get degrees right from home. Internet provides blogs to share the views of different people across different parts of the world on some issues and helps to link the people of like minded bringing them together.

Adverse effects of media and its control:

Though medias does important work of communication between various people and updates them with day to day happenings of the world a control or check must to be on put how far the news delivered by them are perceived by the people. There are evidences where war took place due to the misinterpretation of communication between two countries.

1.Broke of communal riots and flames have been kindled among people when they watch their own men had been ill treated in some other parts of nation spreads eventually to other parts after witnessing through the mass medias. Medias must work out on that in particular where communal feelings are not stimulated among our citizens.

2. Commercial advertisements displayed through mass medias have to be put a check for cheap works like nudity, pornography that may adulterate young minds.

3. Another role of media in capturing the political news. Parliamentary proceedings has been portrayed only as a hall of mess and any useful discussions had been discarded or given only a little importance with a view that the former would be more appealing and people would show interest in that sort of news.

4. Any sort of programs, films where woman has been portrayed in an undisciplined manner should not be encouraged by the media.

5. Medias must work hard to bring out the truth behind the every news. They should follow the neutral policy in their deliverance of news that to the people. They should stand independent like our Indian judiciary system irrespective of whichever political comes into power.


When we talk about the role of media in our society one should bear in mind that media and society are interdependent. Media is an invention for the people, by the people and of the people. How society behaves forms the back bone of the medias and what medias portray has been conveyed to the society. If this system of exchange of information took place in a moderate manner in such a way that which issue has to be given the foremost importance and which really renders some sort of usefulness to the society must alone be conveyed to the society by the medias. Any sort of malfunction in this system of exchange will lead to disastrous events which is undesirable. So to conclude, well being of citizen lies in the proper functioning of mass medias in our society and media persons must accept those responsibilities whole heartedly for proper working of our nation .

power of self...

When a question is posed to any of the human beings as who is his best friend in his LIFE, we would get a variety of answers stating different personalities whom had they come across in their life. But when we seriously a take look at who is man’s best friend with whom he could feel so much comfortable, with whom which he entirely relies upon to take serious decision in his life, with whom which he could he share his mysterious part of his life without having any fear, with whom which enjoys all the oddity of life is he HIMSELF.

When we find the difference between the words he and himself, me and myself it is the word self which drives the man all through his life. The power of his inner self comes from his thoughts and beliefs, which had been perceived by his mind all through in his struggle to strive for a meaningful life.

Emerson a famous writer essayist says “man is nothing but what he thinks all the day long”. A serious thought that one cannot regret it. Life of man is full of his thoughts of what he had learned in the past, what he is experiencing at present will all cumulatively lay the foundation for what he will to do in the future.

Water takes the shape of object to which it is filled. Man is bound to take the form of his life of what does he thinks in his mind, his beliefs, his ideas perceived from his real time learning good or bad, positive or negative. His own thoughts would lay the road for life journey through which he has to travel. His thoughts only decide how far his road traveled is smooth or rough, whether he able to travel in the journey of life with ease.

Positive thoughts and beliefs is what make a man to travel the journey of his life with ease. Positive thoughts are habitual seeds that have to be cultivated right from our childhood. Look for the seed whether it is properly watered. Positive thoughts alone won’t get you the fruit of your life. It is how far you water those positive thoughts with positive acts in your life.

Negative thoughts will leads to frustration, anger, anxiety, insomnia etc. whatever which does not allow for smooth journey in your life.

The remedy for above lies within the inner self of man. His mind is a gate which puts a check on what has to be allowed and what should not be allowed to make his travel smooth. That comes from the practicing the worst for a particular period in his lifetime. Experience is the greatest mother of knowledge than his education he learned from his academics. Education is just to open our eyes. But experience will stand aside us like a lamp showing us the path when we are at the darker part of our life and leads us to destination which everyman claims it as a point where his life journey is claimed to be meaningful.



What is life?

What is life all about? What does it imparts to every living creatures that undergoes a phenomena of so called birth and death. Do all living creatures lead the same amount of life? Why an unequal distribution of life is found among various species and also between the individuals of same species? Whatever is the species one remarkable and unique creature which developed as a result of evolution mechanism in this world and that creature than made a plethora of rules and regulations on how this world must be and started dominating all other living beings? This so called creature (man) defines LIFE as time interval between birth and death of living organisms. Does that definition fit for all living beings? If we so called human beings were born just to calculate the time interval between birth and death does it add any sort of value to our life that we lead which differentiates the human beings from the rest of the organisms in the world! Understand stand that time interval between birth and death is merely a life span and not life.

Evolution of religions:

Myths, Epics, Veda, Bible, Qur'an, were developed so as to make life meaningful in those days when men wandered in search for meaning of life. Typically what some men achieved at last is the evolution of religions. They framed divine myths and epics and so as to bolster their new found religion. These men found that unless until if a strong adjunct was framed then their successful findings would disappear into thin air. There came the existence of GOD. Men who found the religions were adept at the art of how to influence the other men and follow his way of living life. They found unless we instill fear in the minds of people their religion wouldn’t survive. They framed suitable facts and equipped with strong examples what would be the result of men having good and bad deeds. They preached every man with their strong and influential ideas with a view of transforming their nomadic life into an accountable one for his own life. They must able to differentiate the good and evil deeds and must choose the road where their life would be claimed meaningful in their life span.

Adverse effects of religion:

What do the religions achieved at the last? Although religious belief able to transform many of our life meaningful ultimately it had also opened doors for blood shed ideas. Men who framed complex rules and regulations to lead a meaningful life under a simple a name of religion failed to calculate how individuals adapt to their religion. Religions which were framed by scrupulous men to make others life meaningful made many of their life meaningless.

A war resulted in search for who is superior. Men started his journey with a search for meaning in his life and finally ended in search for “whose life is superior?” which implies that whose religion is superior. Albeit all religions were founded to provide meaning for life, unscrupulous men became skeptical of the existence of the other religion. They failed to recognize that all religion convey one single principle and started jumping in the race of superiority to establish themselves that they are powerful in the world. Inventions and innovations of science and technology add fuel to the fire.

What had resulted at the last is the exploitation of man by man and nation by nations resulting in the permanent suffering and carnage of poor people which resulted in ever lasting threat to humanity. Men started working for monetary gains involved in despotism ruled out the actual thoughts framed by the noble men. Blind faith in God and religious dispensations ruled the world.

People started to avoid rationalistic thoughts involved in reasoning by emotions and beliefs rather than reasoning out by their by mind. Exploiters used religion as tool to instill fear in the minds of the people for their own gains. Men who had similar ideas had involved in confrontation when it became the matter of their religion.

Misunderstanding of the reality caused men to involve in stereotyping. He decided not to find any reasons for his beliefs, trapped himself in a circle without accepting rational thoughts and ideas. This showed how men became mentally lazy and evaded thoughts by reasoning.

One best example of this is very noticeable in our political system. People had given importance to their religion first to elect their representatives to rule their region. The resultant of this kind of election had resulted in confrontations on all issues at the central government which resulted in improper governance. Will a nation would survive with its governance being backed by men having irrational thoughts and self centered ideas. How does will a country like India would bear all these men and give proper governance fulfilling all the needs of every citizen? All these cumulatively add up resulting in improper working of a nation and may have adverse effects on normal life of people.


Men have to weave rational thoughts. Claim perfection. He has to come out of his blind beliefs in his myths and faiths and has to find a noble solution for all problems to reach an amicable settlement favoring all people irrespective of their caste, race, and religion.

Men is the own God for himself. An honest self-appraisal must be made sorting out the rational and irrational beliefs and weed out all his irrational thoughts choose the one which is claimed to be applicable to each and every men.

For a thirsty person water would be the God at that time. For a poor, money would be is God. For a leader his own good deeds are god. All these Gods would be understood by rationalistic men and he will act to fulfill their needs which are nothing but their Gods.

Unless if men is not going understand who is God behind everyone all his myths and beliefs about the religions are useless. Let us make one easily understandable rationalistic religion that’s binds all the people as one and live in a world where humane is weaved in all the minds of our people.

The menace of terrorism...

“Menace of terrorism”
What is terrorism? My orient Longman word master dictionary explains me this heebie-jeebies terrorism is the use of violence against political people, to obtain their political demands. In its verb form (terrorize) it is to create great fear in the minds of people. So the ultimate objective of the noun form of the terrorism (terrorist) is to instill fear in the minds of innocent people and destroy the valuable human life what they so define themselves as “divine war’ and to normal people it is called “Terrorism”. Before cursing the terrorist let us see why these normal humans have transformed themselves to terrorists and what they had achieved in their so called “Divine War”.
Roots of terrorism:
If we trace the lives of the so called graduates of terrorism they may have at least one of the following reasons as their back ground:
  1. Most often these people are often belonged to a poorer family and are less success on their schoolings and vice versa and one of their blood thirst is cupidity.
  2. Those who suffered serious ill treatment from the society and not finding anyone on the way to give a cure for them
  3. Hereditary followers saying that “fighting for a cause” what their parents did.
These men join those universities like Al-Qaeda, Taliban, LTTE and naxalites whose professors won’t teach but preach blood shed rules of radicalism and use their lives for their own demand.
What do these men achieved at the last? If death is the answer what kind of uniqueness they had achieved? Not only had they sacrificed their lives but claiming some more lives with the view that they had stressed their radicalism and made an impact on the world to stress their needs. If this is the way a terrorist would stress his needs to the world then we must considered them as mentally retarded people affected by Dyslogia a condition where one is unable to make his idea clear on the account of some disorder in his mind.
It does not really mean that root causes of terrorism is only the terrorists but how we the so called normal beings have influenced their life and retreated to their demands must also be taken into account.
Kafeel Ahmed, recently he finds his place in the top dailies and magazines in the name of terrorist. If we probe in to his background we find that he is from a well brought up family whose parents were doctors, a person didn’t seek scholarship despite scoring 80-90%, a person who heads a team of five students for a well researched project report, ranked fifth in the university with 87.5%. .But what his verdict at the last. Had he ended up as an excellent engineer producing innovations in the field of science and technology? All his final efforts were in vain and at last he faced death like every human being but in a radical manner.

These individual entities cumulatively add up to the menace of terrorism.
Even after 60 years of achieving independence do we still feel that are we really
Enjoying our independent nation? On the Independence Day Our Honorable President
And Prime minister still Come in a bullet proof car and address the people of our
Nation and deliver their Speech inside a bullet proof stage! This is the ultimate
Symbol of where the Terror Graph curve had achieved its largest peak.
Each and every country in the world had achieved independence in the world. But that is just name sake. It’s the time were we have to fight with our own brothers and sisters whose life has been wrongly guided and radicalized with bloodshed ideas.
So what we normal people are going to do. If they preach violence should we also suppose to do that? That would add up to the terrorism and not going to eliminate it.
Is death penalty is the only way to curb terrorism. Rather than removing their life from their soul, teach them why are we living in this earth, as a humans what we must contribute to the world and what we should not, living for desires and making demands is not life and if we do so we are not considered to be humans rather than that we would better call ourselves as animals.
Of course this is a quasi-static process and time consuming. But knowingly or un knowingly we had poured water and planted the tree of terrorism. It is our responsibility to cut it down right from its roots not with axe and saw but with divine tools like love and affection. Upgrading the moral value in present life is the need of the hour. Education must become an asset for human life and must not become a liability.
No law and no sampling theory in the world is not even going to give a rough idea of what would be the count of terrorists in the world how many would evolve and how many had evolved in the world. No drug or technology would prevent this pandemic horrible disease. 

Desires are the cause of all sorrows. Unless until if we strive to achieve a world where every human being is equal, where everyone’s demand is fulfilled, or must know how to live peacefully even thou their demand is not fulfilled, but a good sense of reasoning and deriving solutions in moderate manner would alone pave the way not will eradicate terrorism but will minimize the act of terrorism .But one day surely it would become true our future generations would say “we are living in a planet of terror free life”.

the human...

Human thoughts are unbound. When he is alone his thoughts cannot be measured. The solution to all of our problems in this world lies within ourselves but we fail to dig it out and present that at the right time. Late actions will prove disastrous and are undesirable. Understanding and clear reasoning of every action we encounter on this earth is what that makes our life meaningful. Life is one of the difficult and biggest sports in this world that men have to play for a long time. Achieving goals becomes tougher unless a clear understanding is made for all the actions either good or bad. Here I have presented my thoughts on some issues in the goal of reaching clear understanding and ultimately to achieve perfection. Because perfection is what that add meaning to our life! And that perfection comes from rationalistic thinking which has to be practiced forever!